ZipRecruiter Economic Research

The ZipRecruiter Economic Research Team is on a mission to make labor market data easy to understand so we can help connect more people to their next great opportunity. 

With a dedicated focus on collecting and analyzing comprehensive employment data, our team delivers insights that drive informed decision-making for job seekers, employers, and policymakers alike. Through rigorous research and analysis, we uncover emerging trends and unveil opportunities for workers and businesses navigating the ever-evolving world of work. 

We are committed to providing unbiased, accurate, timely, and actionable information so that media, individuals, and organizations are empowered to navigate the labor landscape with confidence. 

At ZipRecruiter, our Economic Research Team is not just studying the labor market; we're helping to shape its future.

Our Research

Our team uses ZipRecruiter’s exclusive data—on job posting volumes, salaries, benefits and perks, job seeker and employer interactions, and more—alongside proprietary research and government data to uncover meaningful labor market trends.

Each quarter we:

  • Release our Job Seeker Confidence Index, a nationally representative quarterly survey of U.S. job seekers that measures how optimistic or pessimistic they are about their ability to land their preferred jobs. Increased confidence is typically an indicator of future increases in employee turnover, wage growth, and labor force participation. Click here to see the latest report.

  • Release our Survey of New Hires, a quarterly survey of U.S. residents who started their current jobs within the past six months. New hires are the leading edge of the labor market—the first to experience changes in the urgency and intensity with which employers are recruiting workers, and the terms of employment on offer. Indicators tracked in this survey—such as how long it took workers to find their jobs, and what share received signing bonuses or healthcare benefits upon hire—can help gauge the quantity and quality of jobs available in the U.S. economy. Click here to see the latest report.

  • Release additional reports on timely labor market topics based on survey data and/or proprietary ZipRecruiter marketplace data. Click here to view the reports.

Each month we:

  • Provide commentary on key economic indicators released by The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Click here to check out our latest commentary.

Each day we:

  • Are available to answer questions, facilitate interviews, and provide ZipRecruiter data and commentary upon request. Email us at to get in touch.

The Team

Julia Pollak, Chief Economist

Julia Pollak is Chief Economist at ZipRecruiter, where she leads a team that analyzes ZipRecruiter’s real-time marketplace data and runs surveys of job seekers, employers, and new hires. Their research is used to measure the health of the labor market, identify emerging hiring trends, and generate insights designed to help employers and job seekers prepare for the future of work. 

Her research is frequently cited in leading national outlets, like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and NPR. She is also a contributor to Barron’s, a member of the Forbes Human Resources Council, and an active member of the National Association of Business Economists. She was named one of the 100 Most Influential TA Thought Leaders by TATech, and is the recipient of the Center for Workforce Inclusion’s Innovation and Thought Leadership Award. 
Josh Russell-Fritch, Economic Research Data Scientist

Josh Russell-Fritch is an Economic Research Data Scientist at ZipRecruiter, where he leads the Economic Research team's data collection and analysis efforts. His projects include analyses of ZipRecruiter’s real-time marketplace data and publicly available labor market data, as well as management of the team's surveys of job seekers, employers, and new hires.

He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy where he teaches classes in economics, statistics, and data visualization design. Previously a researcher at the RAND Corporation and Kauffman Foundation, his research and analysis has been cited in leading national outlets, published in scientific journals, and used to shape state and national policy.

If you have questions, data needs, or an interview request, please reach out to our team at


ZipRecruiter Economic Research is an independent research entity within ZipRecruiter and is not a revenue center for the company. Data provided by the research team should not be considered representative of potential revenue or earnings of ZipRecruiter. 

ZipRecruiter Economic Research provides fact-driven, objective, unbiased data and analysis about the labor market. The team does not manipulate data or findings to produce favorable results. When possible, the team will make accompanying data available so that sources can be checked and independently verified. Survey and data methodology will be sourced and provided, and if it is not directly linked in an article, is available by request.